Christopher J McIver
Short biography
Over forty years of experience and training in microbiology laboratories. Completion of five tertiary courses and three Fellowships to augment interest in diagnostic medical microbiology and public health. Experienced lecturer and tutor in microbiology for medical and science students. Conducted and supervised research in diverse areas of microbiology from which over 150 publications have been derived including peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, letters, short reports and conference abstracts.
Tertiary qualifications
Pathology Technicians Certificate (NSW TAFE)
Bachelor of Applied Science (Biomedical Science) (NSWIT)
Doctor of Philosophy (UTS)
Graduate Management Qualification (AGSM, UNSW)
Masters of Public Health (UNSW)
Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Learning and Teaching (Deakin)
Fellow of the Faculty of Science (Research) (Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia)
Fellow of the Australian Society for Microbiology (Dissertation)
Winston Churchill Memorial Fellow
Professional Affiliation
Australian Society for Microbiology
Faculty of Science, The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia.
Current employment
Principal Medical Scientist, Molecular Diagnostics Section, Microbiology Department (SEALS), St George Hospital, Kogarah NSW 2217.
Professional experience
Diagnostic molecular microbiology
Broad research areas
Development of molecular diagnostic assays, microbial metabolism, gastrointestinal microbiology, public health microbiology, enteric pathogens, and antibiotic resistance mechanisms.
Specific research keywords
Epidemiology, molecular microbiology, bacteriology, and virology.
University role at UNSW
Conjoint Professor, School of Medical Sciences.
Book (edited): 1; Book chapters: 4; Dissertations: 3; Peer-reviewed journal articles: 71; Other publications, conference abstracts, presentations and reports: 78.
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