Michael J Roach
I’m a Research Associate in Bioinformatics at the new Flinders Accelerator for Microbiome Exploration at Flinders University.
I previously worked at the Australian Wine Research Institute where I assembled the Chardonnay genome and developed a new gold standard for grapevine clonal marker discovery. I wrote the pipeline Purge Haplotigs for heterozygous diploid assembly clean-up, and contributed to many other various yeast genomics projects. My Honours and PhD was in drug discovery, not genomics, and involved identifying and testing candidate structural inhibitors of malarial enzymes which required a lot of protein homology modelling and in silico screening. The transition from protein to DNA bioinformatics was equal parts challenging and rewarding, and I’m excited about the new move from genomics to metagenomics. My Research interests include all things bioinformatics, data viz and graphic design, software dev, and more recently webapp dev.
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