Oral Presentation Australian Society for Microbiology Annual Scientific Meeting 2022

Application of Next Generation Sequencing for Detection and Identification of Bacteriophages. (82264)

Tara L Cassidy 1 , Stella Loke 1 , Diana Wong 1 , Mark Richardson 1 , Yin Peng Lee 1
  1. Charles River Laboratories, Croydon, VIC, Australia

Bacteriophages are increasingly becoming more and more significant to human health. Detection and identification of phages is mandated by the regulator for the quality control of cell lines. Furthermore, with the increasing use of bacteriophages as therapeutic products, rapid detection and identification is of the utmost importance. Current techniques for bacteriophage detection, including DLA and TEM can be labour intensive, time consuming and require optimization for different phages and hosts. PCR techniques are sensitive and rapid but, due to the lack of universal primers, are limited to specific targets. Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) has the potential to revolutionize how we manage phage identification. NGS is not limited by primers and allows identification of all sequences in the sample. Our poster will present our internal pipeline for bacteriophage identification and provide specific examples of the use of this pipeline in practice. We have worked to overcome many of the limitations of traditional techniques leading to a NGS solution for bacteriophage detection and identification, even in cases where a published phage genome is not available.