Several novel non-antibiotic therapeutics for Acinetobacter baumannii, such as phage and monoclonal antibody therapies, rely on specificity to the polysaccharide capsule (CPS) on the cell surface. As information about CPS type can be deduced from genes in whole genome sequence (WGS) data, building our understanding of the extent of CPS gene variation in the species is needed to inform the design and application of CPS-targeted therapies. Recent work has demonstrated that genes found outside the chromosomal K locus (KL) that directs CPS biosynthesis can also contribute to the determination of CPS sugar composition, modification and overall topology. However, the current A. baumannii CPS typing system is directed only by differences in the genes found at the K locus. Here, we present a comprehensive update to the current scheme, as well as an update to the A. baumannii KL reference sequence database that includes 92 KL types. The database was reconfigured to be compatible with the tool, Kaptive 2.0.0, to enable prediction of structural ‘type’ from the detected combination of KL and additional genes outside the K locus. We included a further 145 new KL sequences, thus providing a total of 237 KL reference sequences in the update. Validation of the new database against 8994 publicly available A. baumannii genome assemblies from NCBI identified the specific KL in 68.6% of genomes with perfect or very high confidence, with poor sequence quality or the presence of IS the main reasons for lower confidence levels. An additional examination of gene repertoire across the 237 KL and known additional genes outside the KL revealed a total of 34 distinct groups of genes for synthesis of various complex sugars and >400 genes forming linkages between sugars or non-sugar substituents. Whilst the finding of a diverse repertoire of CPS genes within and outside the K locus may complicate phage and immunotherapies, the prediction of type from WGS can aid the development of a more targeted approach.